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60th Birthday Quote 11
No wise man ever wished to be younger. ~ Jonathan Swift

No wise man ever wished to be younger. ~ Jonathan Swift

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On the other hand, if one fixates a fly which happens to be crawling across the window-pane and follows its movements continuously, the objects outside swim past as confusedly as ever, and the image of the fly remains always distinct. Here the eye is moving, and it may be rapidly, yet both the fly and the blurred landscape testify to a thorough awareness of the retinal stimulations. There seems to be no anęsthesia here. It may be, however, that the eye-movement which follows a moving object is different from that which strikes out independently across the visual field; and while in the former case there is no anęsthesia, perhaps in the latter case there is anęsthesia. -- from Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1


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